So, as you may remember, I’ve been working on the Hitofude cardigan. Things were tooling along, and, on Sunday, I got to the second and third tricky bits: Undoing the provisional cast-ons (2), and performing three-needle bind-offs for the sleeves. (The first tricky bit was the provisional cast-ons themselves.)
So, yeah. Finished the sleeves, and read the part of the pattern where it says how many stitches I should have: 290.
And then… well… here’s what I posted to the Ravelry comments for the pattern:
I’m hoping that someone will be able to lend me a hand.
I’m knitting the XXL version of the hitofude cardigan, and am loving it. However, I’ve run into a problem, and it seems kind of insurmountable.
As directed, I started with 264 stitches on my needle. I worked through the pattern, using Chart A. I completed the three-needle bind-off for both sleeves, and I thought I was successfully following the directions. However, I am now at the line prior to “●1×1 RIB FOR SHOULDER AND WAIST (work in round),” where it tells you how many stitches you should have on your needles. According to the pattern, I should have 290 stitches on my needle.
Now, we’ve encountered projects where, at one point or another, you’re off by a few stitches, and you’re able to fudge around it. But, this time, I’m off by 100 stitches. Something has clearly gone wrong.
Does anyone have any idea how this might have happened? I’ve reread the directions over and over again, and tried to work out the math in my head. I can’t even work out how one would end up with 290 stitches from 264, much less how I ended up with 190.
Thoughts? Help?
That’s right. I’m 100 stitches off.
I’ve clearly done something wrong, and I can’t, for the life of me, figure it out.
If anyone is interested in taking a look at the pattern and try to figure out what I’ve done wrong, I’ll send you the pages of the pattern up until the point I screwed up. For the first person to figure out what I did wrong, I will purchase you your very own copy of the pattern.
Can I help?
Steph is the pro!
Stephanie: Sent you the PDF via Facebook message.
Angela: It’s true! If anyone can help me, I’m confident that Stephanie can. 🙂
Id love to help but i know two things about knitting. …jack and crap..
Joanna may be able to help, too.
Got it. I will review it tomorrow. Bed is calling me early tonight.
Did you get this figured out? I can put you in touch with my mother. She was a professional knitter for many years. (She owned a yarn shop) Let me know.
Hope: I did! … I could have sworn I posted a follow-up here.
I went back and tinked the stitches, and ended up recounting in the process. After blinking, I counted *again*, and I was only 6 stitches off. 6 stitches is nothing, in the scope of 290 stitches. I can fudge that.
I still don’t know 1) how I came to the conclusion I was 100 stitches off, or 2) how I’m even 6 stitches off, since the 12-stitch repeat worked perfectly. But, I’ll take it.
Liquor and knitting don’t mix i know lol