Yearly Archive: 2012

Second verse, same as the first.

I am growing increasingly weary of waking up not because my body and mind have been sufficiently refreshed by the act of sleeping, but rather because my pain medications have worn off.

(Also, I now have “I’m Henry the Eighth, I am. Henry the Eighth, I am, I am!” stuck in my head.)

I’ll take “Random Medical Specialities” for $600, Alex.

I really need to figure out what is wrong with my knee. It does not hurt until I try to move it, at which point it informs me that I should go back to not moving it. Attempting to do things like lever myself from a sitting to standing position causes me to produce sounds not unlike those of a puppy being beaten, assuming, of course, that the puppy knows how to swear fluently in English. The pain is almost exclusively down the front of my knee, which is (I believe) mostly tendon-y, as opposed to muscle-y.


Pardon our dust while we renovate.

These days, most of the time, I think that I’ve come to terms with the changes that I (and those in my life who deal with me on a regular basis) have had to deal with over the last couple of years. I’ve had to completely redefine myself a couple of times in that span, and it’s been hard. Hard on me, and G, and my friends, and my (former) co-workers, and the ragtag bunch of people who are my not-through-biology family. But, I reach points where I think I’ve come to accept things as they are, and start to think of ways I can move forward.

And then a run of weeks like the past couple come rushing through, and I’m kicked in the ass and reminded once again how much has changed, and how much I’ve lost, and how much I have to adjust my thinking. And I discover that I’m not quite as reconciled to my reality as I like to think I am. And it makes me recede more into hiding, which is kind of an impressive feat at this point.

So, if I owe you emails or phone calls or visits or beer or whatnot, I haven’t forgotten about you. It’s more that I’ve misplaced me, and I’m digging through the mess trying to find me. I apologize for any inconvenience or discomfort this might cause you. I’m working hard to cobble together a new version of myself as quickly as possible.

A few thoughts on (physical) page layout…

Though I suppose much of this also applies to web page layout as well.

  1. White space matters.
  2. There is only so much room on  a page.
  3. In most cases, there are only so many pages that can reasonably go into a book.
  4. The more things you want to cram onto a page, the less room there is for stylistic flourishes.
  5. White space matters.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go back to banging my head against InDesign.

More on crochet tank slipper awesomeness…

If you are interested in the crocheted tank slippers that I posted about last week, the creator’s Facebook page can be found here. Probably of more interest, the pattern (and apparently the occasional finished product) can be purchased at her etsy store, located here.

Note again that these slippers are crocheted, and not knitted. Keep that in mind whilst purchasing your pattern.

Many thanks to arr and ardaniel for the legwork.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it…

Gentle readers, and the rest of you, too: I have a quest, and you can help me with it. It is of utmost importance, as I am sure you will agree.

I must find the pattern for these slippers, because they are full of awesome.

knitted tank slippers

Seriously, if you happen to stumble across the pattern out there on the Interwebs, make sure you drop me a note, ‘k?

I feel like throwing a knitter’s tantrum.

I have yarn (trust me on this one). But I cannot find a pattern that I like that fits the yarn that I have.

I have patterns (again), plus, you know, the whole Internet. But again, I cannot find yarn in my stash to match the patterns that I like.

This is how I end up buying so much of both, I think.


A silver lining. Or at least a blue sock.

While I’m not thrilled with this whole ‘not really being ambulatory’ thing, I’m trying to make the most of it. That roughly translates to ‘knitting more than usual.’ Yeah, I know, you didn’t think that was actually possible, but there were a few more minutes to squeeze out of the day. As proof of my putting this time to good use, I present to you… the second sock! (Together with its partner, the first sock, that is.) (more…)

Sale: 50% off all ebooks at [exp 09/03/2012]

For those of you who like Apress‘s books, they’re currently having a sale on their entire ebook catalog. The sale runs through 2012.09.03. To take advantage of the deal, use promo code LDW12 at checkout.

(And yes, bma, I’m working on that default logo thing.)

Disappointing start to the day.

I had a rather rough night last night, between pain, insomnia, and restless leg. Normally, I’m resigned to such things, but today, I’m annoyed. See, I was supposed to get up early so I could head south and meet up with friends in from Massachusetts at Udvar-Hazy for a morning of oohing and aahing at wondering aviation history. Instead, I woke up late, and am having difficulty walking.

That’ll teach me, to make plans and stuff. *sigh*