Pardon our dust while we renovate.

These days, most of the time, I think that I’ve come to terms with the changes that I (and those in my life who deal with me on a regular basis) have had to deal with over the last couple of years. I’ve had to completely redefine myself a couple of times in that span, and it’s been hard. Hard on me, and G, and my friends, and my (former) co-workers, and the ragtag bunch of people who are my not-through-biology family. But, I reach points where I think I’ve come to accept things as they are, and start to think of ways I can move forward.

And then a run of weeks like the past couple come rushing through, and I’m kicked in the ass and reminded once again how much has changed, and how much I’ve lost, and how much I have to adjust my thinking. And I discover that I’m not quite as reconciled to my reality as I like to think I am. And it makes me recede more into hiding, which is kind of an impressive feat at this point.

So, if I owe you emails or phone calls or visits or beer or whatnot, I haven’t forgotten about you. It’s more that I’ve misplaced me, and I’m digging through the mess trying to find me. I apologize for any inconvenience or discomfort this might cause you. I’m working hard to cobble together a new version of myself as quickly as possible.


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