I’ll take “Random Medical Specialities” for $600, Alex.

I really need to figure out what is wrong with my knee. It does not hurt until I try to move it, at which point it informs me that I should go back to not moving it. Attempting to do things like lever myself from a sitting to standing position causes me to produce sounds not unlike those of a puppy being beaten, assuming, of course, that the puppy knows how to swear fluently in English. The pain is almost exclusively down the front of my knee, which is (I believe) mostly tendon-y, as opposed to muscle-y.

In addition to the aforementioned pain, I also have the weird feeling that my knee is unnaturally … loose. As if it could bend sideways or backwards if I don’t pay close attention to it while walking, or going up and down stairs. (This has been particularly fun, what with the split-level house and all.) And it’s popping and clicking in neat and new-to-me ways.

So, I really need to figure out what is wrong with my knee. The question, gentle reader, is: Do I:

  1. Go to my Primary Care Physician?,
  2. Go to my rheumatologist?,
  3. Try to find a new orthopedist? (Since the last one I saw was many years ago, and I really didn’t much care for him anyway.), or
  4. Stop whining and walk it off. It’ll self correct.

I’m honestly curious, as I would like to minimize the number of doctors I have to see and maximize the likelihood of seeing someone who can actually fix the damned thing.

Stupid body.


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