Daily Archive: 2013.01.10

I may not have thought this through…

I have signed up for a yarn dyeing class in February. While I doubt that I’m going to become one of those amazing people who spins and dyes their own yarn (because, really, that would take time away from the knitting), having a basic idea of what’s involved would be kind of neat. Hence, the class and my enrollment in same.

However, something has just occurred to me. Those of you have known me during the last 10 years or so will know that I spent much of that time chromatically enhanced, mostly in the realm of reds. Though I did have a stint with actual black hair. You might also remember that I had a fairly unfortunate reaction to the hair dye, putting an end to a meri with anything but bog-standard brown hair.

Now, I have to assume that, during the class, we will be wearing gloves, as the goal is to get the dye on the yarn, and not the peoples. But, given my particular flavor of luck, I wonder if I’m tempting fate…

Finally, I have a picture of a finished product to share!

This is the Emlyn dress that I knitted for Christmas for a special little friend of G’s mother. This is size 2T, knit on US2 needles.  G’s mother gets all of the credit for the patience required to lace the cord and ribbon through the eyelets, though. So not a task for me. 🙂


Clearly, it’s going to be one of those days.

All the signs point to it being one of Those™ days.

  • I put my slippers on… the wrong feet.
  • I tripped over a cat coming down the stairs (though I did manage to not actually fall down the stairs).
  • I burned my tongue on my coffee.
  • My left knee tried to give out.
  • I have YAMA.
  • I was stymied by a graphics project until G came to the rescue.

All before 9 AM! Grar!