Yearly Archive: 2014
Once more unto the breach.
As mentioned earlier, I utterly failed at mailing packages on Saturday. This is because going to the post office on the last weekend before Christmas is its own special kind of insanity, and G and I turned tail and ran for cover. So, after dropping G off at the bus this morning, I ventured to the friendly neighborhood post office, hoping that all the crazy people would be at work.
I was wrong. (more…)
Work in Progress: Flore.

Despite the migraine, the hip pain, and the weird sleep patterns, progress has been made on the Flore hat.
The days may be getting longer…

… but not until one flippin’ long night comes, first.
Voice Recognition.
In the ‘Lineage‘ episode of Angel, we are introduced to Roger Wyndam-Price, Wesley’s father. The character is played by Roy Dotrice, who narrated the A Song of Ice and Fire audiobooks. He has a very distinctive voice, and after scores of hours listening to him voice dozens of characters, I know it well, and apparently recognize it very quickly.
Saturday was not a success.
From a purely “getting things done” standpoint, I cannot really call Saturday a success. After a generally quiet and lazy morning around the house, G and I ventured out into the (rainy) world with three goals: get lunch, mail 2 packages at the post office, and go to Target for prescriptions and a few basic groceries.
(Y’all see where this is going, right?) (more…)
Such pretty colors!
While the sweater is still going strong, I’ve reached the point on the body where every other row is p200, which takes forever. So, to break up the tedium, I’ve case on a new project, a ridiculously cute hat. I’m knitting this for a friend whose hands aren’t so happy with the idea of knitting anymore, but who wants to give this hat to her daughter. Proxy hands to the rescue! (more…)
Speaking of learning new skills, and a question for the people who sew.
In addition to pondering an adventure in intarsia, I think I’m going to take another sewing class. This time, I’ve got my eye on how to connect a zipper to fabric without 1) sewing the zipper shut, and 2) sewing myself to the fabric. (Lofty goals, but a girl can dream.)
For the people out there who aren’t sewing challenged: What are some good “My First Sewing Project” projects that I could tackle? I foresee making more tote bags, and probably some drawstring project bags (sewing for knitting, like that wasn’t predictable). Clothes are probably right out for quite some time. Pillow cases? That seems boring, but good skill-building for that whole ‘straight line’ thing, I guess.
Welp, time to learn a new knitting skill.

I’ve been afraid of intarsia for quite a while, and (despite a foray into colorwork with a fingerless mitt class) I haven’t forced myself to really face that fear. But, I think I may have found the catalyst for change: a Totoro baby outfit. (more…)
I am armed!
But apparently not dangerous, as I have no body. I speak of the sweater, of course.
I finished the second sleeve last night before I went up for dinner. (Smaug for scale.) (more…)