Having realized that I’ve had the same things in my RSS feed for, oh, 5 or 6 years now, and that I really no longer care about a bunch of it, I’ve largely declared RSS bankruptcy. I pruned the hell out of my feeds, and now I’m no longer thousands of posts behind.
But, I do miss having content that I’m actually interested in. So, tell me, dear friends: What RSS feeds should I be following, and why? Do you have a standalone blog? I’d love to read it! Tell me about it! Favorite comics? (I already have xkcd, natch.) Geek news? Cute things? You get the idea.
In my “check daily” Feedly category: Ask a Manager, The Bloggess, Captain Awkward, Nicolette Mason (pretty clothes on someone shaped like me), John Scalzi’s “Whatever”, Joy the Baker, Capitol Hill Style, and a few hockey-related sites.