The fuzzy alarm clock must have been jonesing for his Christmas presents this morning, because he decided 4:45 was a good time to wake me up. Well, the joke’s on him: the cats go their presents last night. (Catnip toys. This may not have been the brightest idea we ever had.)
Though we’ll be all on our own for the first time in … well, a long time … fear not for G, the cats, and me. We braved the crowds yesterday, and did some grocery shopping, so we’ll have our own Christmas feast. We will have cats and movies and a fireplace. It will be lovely.
Whether or not you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Festivus, Yule, or any other winter holiday, I hope today – and all days – are joyous and safe. From our weird little family to yours. 🙂
Maybe it’s not presents they want but snacks from being awake all last night getting ripped on catnip….something to think about….
*grin* We free-feed them dry kibble, so they shouldn’t be starving. But I did my duties as wet food distributor once I was up, though, so maybe that will help. I shall take your advice under advisement though, and be liberal with treats. 🙂
Sorry you are on your own. 🙁 it sounds like you have a wonderful day planned. Once we are better we will all have to get together for a belated Christmas dinner.
Merry Christmas! My life is endlessly enriched having you in it.