$ cat /var/log/meri

Knitting crisis!


I’ve been working on the Glenallen Shawl, and have finally finished Chart 2 (of 6), and am ready to proceed to the next chart… except my stitch markers don’t line up. I don’t know if that’s supposed to be the case, or if my work thus far is completely screwed up. I’ve left a message for the designer, but in the meantime, that project’s kind of stalled.


Creative Pay-It-Forward: 2013 Edition

I don’t normally participate in these sorts of things, but this one seems right up my alley.

I am participating in 2013 Creative Pay-It-Forward: The first x people (where x is some randomly determined number, or until I’m tired of doing it) to comment on this status will receive from me, sometime in 2013, a special gift – perhaps a book, or a scrapbook page, or a mix CD, or baked goods, or a candle, or a small object – a special surprise just for them. There will likely be no warning and it will happen whenever the mood strikes me.

If you want to receive a bit of meri randomness in your life, please comment, and then send me your mailing address via private message.

There is supposed to be a catch, in that these same x people must also make the same offer via their (Facebook|Blog|Journal) and deliver during 2013. However, I’m not much one for these sorts of conditions. Play along if you want. 🙂

[ An aside: If you are a Gweep, please consider this to be a reminder to update your GweepDex entry. ]

PSA: Resolute communication. (A call for recipients.)

As many of you know, I went total hermit for a few years, pretty much falling off of the face of the planet. In this past year, I’ve made something of a comeback. I’ve actually made a couple of trips to visit friends, and have reappeared in the online world. These are good things.

But receiving a few Christmas cards this year made me remember just how much I love to get personal, physical mail. And I thought that there might be some of you out there who enjoy the same sort of thing. So, if you’d like to be added to my list of random snail mail recipients, please respond via private message with your name (it’s entirely possible that you’re using a pseudonym and I honestly either have never known or have completely forgotten your ‘real’ name) and favored mailing address.

I’m going to try to write a letter a week, which means I need more recipients soon, or a few family members and a couple of friends are going to get really sick of me really quickly. 🙂

Need a planner for the new year?

As the end of the year comes rushing at us, if any of you are looking for a new DayRunner / DayTimer / Franklin Covey style planner, but none of the one out there really match the way you work, drop me a note. I can probably work with you to design a planner that fits your usage patterns better than something off the shelf. (Really. I do this. 🙂 )

PSA: Google Security Notifications

This should be of interest to many of you.

Google Security Notifications

Everyone who uses a Google account (Gmail, YouTube, Google Reader, Picasa, Blogspot, etc.) should probably enable this. Better safe than sorry,etc.

Via Google Operating System.

PSA: For those of you fleeing Instagram.

If you’re fleeing Instagram, but trying to figure out how the heck to get your photos out, and what to do with them once you’ve got them, you might want to check out freethephotos.

(Please note that I am in no way connected to this service. I’ve never used it. I have no idea about any security issues involved. I don’t even know if it works. I read about it on the one thing well blog (which is a great blog that software junkies should check out), and thought I’d pass it on.)

We see a great need.

While having breakfast with sitz this morning, we ended up talking about the sailing stones of the Racetrack Playa. I mentioned that I’ve always felt a strong urge to go out there and paint the stones to look like snails.

This is a good idea, no? Once I’m able to travel again, I may need to find funding for this venture.

OS X UNIX Geeks: Discuss: MacPorts vs Homebrew vs Fink

So, I have shiny new toy to play with, but it’s lacking some of the UNIX bits that make me feel really at home in the terminal. Previously, I’ve always defaulted to Fink when I’ve wanted package management on OS X. However, this time around, I thought I’d ask what the rest of you are doing. Do you, too, use Fink? Or are you more of a MacPorts sort of person? Do any of you out there use Homebrew? What made you choose the system you’re using? Why didn’t you go with one of the others?

Help me, Interweb! The fate of… well, nothing really important, except maybe my curiosity… is at stake. But I have lots of curiosity!

Lazyweb: Calling all *NIX geeks.

Ok, I know for a fact that my friends list here has a very high percentage of UNIX geeks. It’s you to whom I speak now.

What is your favorite monospace / fixed-width font? If you say Courier New, you will be disqualified from the discussion. (Kidding, kidding. If you say Courier, you will be disqualified.)

The criteria for me are:

  • character differentiation: I should be able to type iI1!lL and be able to tell what I typed (lower case i, upper case I, numeral 1, exclamation point, lower case L, upper case L). Same with oO0 (lower case o, upper case O, zero).
  • reasonably full character set: I’d like to have a few extended characters beyond ASCII, for typesetting purposes. Things like bullets (•) and degrees symbols (°) are nice.
  • font variants, mostly for typesetting, but also for some terminals: bold, italic options.
  • availability: available online, in OTF (by preference) or TTF.
  • price: free is good, cheap is acceptable, expensive is nice to know so I can dream.

What say you?

Madness, Day 1.

(Ok, I know for most of you, this isn’t going to seem like madness. It will, in fact, probably seem like a fairly boring day. But I have largely turned into a hermit, and one with somewhat limited mobility, to boot. So, it’s a kind of madness.)

Today’s agenda:

  • 2 loads of laundry
  • trying to find all of my blocking materials
  • drive to Columbia to return long-unused cable boxes (and remotes), so Vz can stop charging us some ridiculous amount of money each month
  • phone call with a friend about helping with a dog rescue web site
  • trip to a local yarn store to buy needles for Teresa and any blocking materials I couldn’t find
  • trip to Teresa’s house to block a couple of Christmas presents (which will undoubtedly result in unhappy knees and/or back)

After that, I think I shall come home, have a glass of wine or two, and watch some silly movie. Or maybe my cats rampaging around the house. Or knit. (Though, not so much the knitting after the second glass of wine.)

Wish me luck!