$ cat /var/log/meri

Monday, you can fall apart…

On the agenda for today, YAMA x2, both in Virginia. A lot of driving, and a lot of waiting. I shall be sure to bring along my knitting. (For the waiting, not the driving. I promise.)

What are you up to today?

How I know it’s chilly out…

I’m wearing socks for the first time (other than knitting purposes) this year.

A question for my knitting friends.

Not that I’m looking to start a new project at the moment, because I’m hip deep in projects, but I have a question for my fellow knitting freaks.

If I wanted to get a start on color work, what would be a good beginner-level project? I don’t think that I’m quite up for Fair Isle ( 🙂 ), and would like to get an idea of a good project that gets me started down the path of using color for more than stripes.

I look forward to all the great ideas!

Sometimes, I adore the InterWeb.

Having finished watching Heroes, I have started my next series. I realized that I’ve never seen past Season 5 of The West Wing (and anyone who insists on spoilering anything will be summarily executed), so I’ve started over from the beginning.

I was watching S2:E17 (17 People), and I noticed the distinctive book that Charlie is reading while waiting for the meeting between Toby, Leo, and Bartlett to end. I was curious as to what it is. I open a browser window and start searching for “what book is charlie rea” at which point the Google predictive search kicks in to give me “what book is charlie reading in 17 people”. From there, a single click to this page, wherein I find my answer:

  • Charlie is reading – The Cornel West Reader (ISBN#:0465091091)

Sometimes, I loves me some InterWeb.

Athena, give me strength.

I’m working on the Incredibly Intricate Projectâ„¢, and am ever so close to joining in the round. I am, in fact, on the last row before I get to join in the round. Unfortunately, this row is a ‘purl 257’ and my brain has a mental block against it. I’ve picked it up about 4 times, and I think I’ve actually purled about 60 stitches. At this rate, this row will be done by lunch.

Fool me once, shame on you…

Fool me 493 times, well… you know.


In the blink of an eye…

Somehow, my day has gone from ‘things going pretty well’ to ‘almost nothing going right’.

I hate that.

On the plus side…

Even though I ended up completely restarting my crazy intricate knitting project (despite the fact that I was about 20% done with it), it’s probably going to be a good thing, in the end. This time around, my stitches seem more defined, and the structure more set. So, I’m going to declare this to be a win, overall.

Rebellious teenaged domain names.

As many of you know, my primary domain name is covert-ops.org. I’ve been using it for about 16 years. In fact, that would be exactly 16 years, yesterday.

It seems that yesterday was also the day that covert-ops.org expired. I swear I remember getting email notifications of such things in the past.

If you tried to send me email at covert-ops.org at any time after midnight, chances are good that the message bounced. If that is the case, I’m terribly sorry. Things should be working now, and please resend the message.

Cranky teenagers. Hrmph.

Attention fiber (of the stringy variety) friends.

My ball winder and I are having something of a hate / hate relationship these days. I suspect that it’s actually the fault of my rather rickety, cheap, and old swift, but I can’t be sure. I’m pondering the necessity of replacing one or both items, and would like some input from the fiberati as to what their favorites are. So, speak up. Favorite yarn swift? Favorite ball winder? Other necessary accessories of the sort?