Just can’t get enough
It would seem that I am utterly hooked on the Summer Solstice Mystery Shawl (hereafter referred to as the SSMS™). I first started it on some Mille Colori Sock & Lace, and it’s turning out quite lovely. I took pictures of the work in progress after I finished the first pattern installment, but I can’t for the life of me find them. So, instead, you get two pictures of how things are looking after the second pattern installment.
We got the second pattern installment on Tuesday. I didn’t get around to working on it until Wednesday, and finished up the new bit of knitting that day. Realizing that I was going to be sans shawl to work on for several days, I dug around in my yarn stash, and found the rest of the Kauni Effekt that I had kicking around, and cast on a second shawl. I admit it. I’m addicted.
We don’t get another pattern installment until Tuesday! That hardly seems fair, with it being a holiday weekend and all. Ah well. I guess I shall have to try to feed my knitting jones by working on the giant rectangle of stockinette that I’m knitting up for a store sample for The Yarn Spot. We’ll see how that goes.