Saturday’s excursion to Maryland Sheep and Wool was a success. Terri and I got there very early (as in, an hour before the show even opened), so parking was a breeze. (Even though we were misguided when we asked to be directed to handicapped parking.) The weather was fantastic. My knee mostly behaved. We were able to find seating when I needed it. And, best of all, there was lots and lots of beautiful yarn.
After a few hours of tromping around the fair, Terri and I made our way back out to the car. As we were leaving, we discovered that it was a very good thing that we arrived early. The fairground’s parking lot was overflowing, and they were parking people across the street. And that doesn’t even begin to cover the 3 mile backup on the one-lane road to get to the fairground. It has been decided that an early arrival will always be part of our plan in the future.
Upon arriving home, there was napping, and dinner, and then sleeping. I had really hoped to go to a little party at a friend’s house last night, but it seems it was not to be. I was tired, and don’t even remember waking up in the middle of the night, which is very rare for me.
I expected waking up this morning to be a painful experience, what with all of the walking yesterday. I was pleasantly surprised to discover a bit of stiffness, but no extra pain. I spent a couple of hours hooked up to the Magic Ice Machine™, and I could walk up and down stairs like a (reasonably) normal person. (Yes, yes, clearly an act.)
I have a productive day lined up today, with laundry, and a project, and preparing for a very busy Monday. The house is a lovely chilly temperature, thanks to open windows and a drop in outdoor temperatures. I’m feeling somewhat energetic (a surprise), and I’m staring to ponder lunch (also something of a surprise). I got in a couple of hours of knitting on my Clara while hooked up to the ice machine.
I’m hopeful for the day, and am smugly pleased with yesterday. Can’t really ask much more of a weekend.