
Ask the [Seattle/Furniture] HiveMind: Buying a couch.

[covert-ops] question mark (forest)TL; DR: I am interested in buying a new couch. I would like to be able to search / browse online (marginally optional), and then sit on / lay on / poke at the couch (required) before shelling out money. The vendor must deliver to my home, preferably into my home. I live in the Seattle area, on the Eastside. Where should I go to find a new couch? (more…)

All work and no play…

20150105-heres_johnnyLast night, G and I were driving off to Bellevue for dinner. There was this guy on the side of the road at an intersection, holding a cardboard sign. He’s wearing hiking boots, shorts, a t-shirt, a hoodie (hood up), and sunglasses. He has a remarkable amount of facial hair.

A few things seemed kind of odd. The shorts are weird because Seattle people think it’s ‘bundle up’ weather once it hits 60°. The sunglasses were weird because it was almost dark out. The choice of intersection was weird because it was just to a side street – not exactly a great panhandling place.


Work in Progress: Flore Hat

I’ve spent the day knitting and watching movies. Careful observers might note that this is not fundamentally different from any of my other days off, really. (Except, of course, for the lovely lovely presents sent by G’s family, all of which are going to be put to good and frequent use.)

Smaug is no longer certain that he wishes to play a role in the hat display process. Sauron, on the other hand, is pondering a tower cozy.

Today’s t-shirt.

The image on today’s t-shirt. (Very festive, I know.)

When I look at it, I see the Rabbit of Caerbannog munching on Yorick. But that may just be me. (Which reminds me: I have not found the stuffed Yorick yet. More incentive to continue unpacking.)

The happiest of days, to you and yours.

The fuzzy alarm clock must have been jonesing for his Christmas presents this morning, because he decided 4:45 was a good time to wake me up. Well, the joke’s on him: the cats go their presents last night. (Catnip toys. This may not have been the brightest idea we ever had.)

Though we’ll be all on our own for the first time in … well, a long time … fear not for G, the cats, and me. We braved the crowds yesterday, and did some grocery shopping, so we’ll have our own Christmas feast. We will have cats and movies and a fireplace. It will be lovely.

Whether or not you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Festivus, Yule, or any other winter holiday, I hope today – and all days – are joyous and safe. From our weird little family to yours. 🙂

Once more unto the breach.

As mentioned earlier, I utterly failed at mailing packages on Saturday. This is because going to the post office on the last weekend before Christmas is its own special kind of insanity, and G and I turned tail and ran for cover. So, after dropping G off at the bus this morning, I ventured to the friendly neighborhood post office, hoping that all the crazy people would be at work.

I was wrong.  (more…)

The days may be getting longer…

… but not until one flippin’ long night comes, first.

Saturday was not a success.

From a purely “getting things done” standpoint, I cannot really call Saturday a success. After a generally quiet and lazy morning around the house, G and I ventured out into the (rainy) world with three goals: get lunch, mail 2 packages at the post office, and go to Target for prescriptions and a few basic groceries.

(Y’all see where this is going, right?) (more…)

I am armed!

20141214-sleevesBut apparently not dangerous, as I have no body. I speak of the sweater, of course.

I finished the second sleeve last night before I went up for dinner. (Smaug for scale.) (more…)

Just to be clear…

I am not responsible for the weather in Massachusetts this week. I did not bring it with me from Seattle. I would not do such a thing to my dear friends here.

That is all.