
Ask LazyWeb: Finishing service for knitters?

At sit & knit last night, I was talking about an almost finished project of mine. With the weather changing, I’d really love to be wearing it. It’s the Clara cardigan by Versaci Knits. All of the knitting is done. All that’s left is to seam up the sides and sleeves. Unfortunately, I hate seaming. This resulting in me wondering if anyone knows of a service (or person!) out there who just loves finishing projects. At this point, I would happily pay someone to sew this cardigan up for me.

Ask LazyWeb (Knitters Edition): Beginning colorwork?

I have reached a point in my knitting where I’m pretty pleased with my existing skills, but want to expand on to new things. I’ve noticed that most of the projects I’ve wanted to do but don’t have the skills to do are colorwork of one sort or another.

Do any of you have any recommendations for a beginning colorwork project?

Ask LazyWeb: Hershey, PA

Other than Hershey Park and the Hershey Museum, are there any must-do / must-see things in or around Hershey, PA that y’all would like to share with me? Please keep in mind that huge lines are not my friend (for physical reasons, not just impatience), and that I will only be there for about 48 hours (Sunday afternoon – Tuesday afternoon).

Of particular interest: spas that won’t break the bank, yarn & craft stores (duh), and vegetarian dining. However, anything that you think I need to know about, I’d love to hear.

Ask LazyWeb: Calling all astronomy geeks.

TL;DR: Where can I find the colors of all the stars in various constellations?  (more…)

LazyWeb: Give me a new show.

Dear LazyWeb,

I keep the television on as background fodder while I’m … well, pretty much while I’m doing anything. I don’t tend to use music while working, because that makes it too obvious when 4 minutes have passed. Using TV shows works out well, because it gives me built-in “time to take a break” notifications, which I find handy. (Not that I always heed them, but it’s a good thought.)

Between Amazon Prime, Netflix, and Hulu, I have a goodly number of (free / already paid for) sources available to me. I like SF/F (I just caught up with Falling Skies, have gone through Warehouse 13, Buffy, Angel, Supernatural, Charmed), crime shows (Crossing Jordan, The Glades, Law & Order, Sherlock), medical shows / soaps (Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice). Unfortunately, they need to be shows that I can primarily listen to to know what’s going on (as opposed to Alias, where it’s common for several minutes of action to pass in relative silence). Also, (and my

Thoughts? I’m in need of a new show.

Love, meri

Ask Lazyweb: Laser Printer Manila Folders

At one point, long long ago, I had these awesome file folders. They came in two parts, with an adhesive strip. They were 11 pt cardstock (standard manila folders). The gimmick was that you could feed one half through your laser printer, coming up with custom folders (I used them to create a form on the inside of the folders), and then adhere this newly-created sheet to the back half of the folder, and you’d have a nifty unique manila folder.

I cannot for the life of me remember who made them, nor has my Google/Amazon-fu turned up anything useful.

Does anyone remember these? Did I hallucinate the whole thing? Anyone with better Google-fu want to give it a shot?

(Still not king.)

Calling large ladies…

I’m looking for ideas on where to shop for plus-sized clothing without breaking the bank (that latter bit there being very important).  I tend to the very basic: Loose tops and bottoms, tanks, overshirts, shorts, cargo pants, etc. But I would like the option of flowy / dressy tunic-style tops, as well. Preferably ones that don’t help me look like a walking circus tent. 🙂

(And yes, I know the right answer is to lose weight and inches. I’m trying to work on that. However, in the meantime, I can’t exactly walk around naked. Nobody wants that.)

Here is my list of usual places to look. What can you add to them?

  • Avenue
  • Catherine’s
  • Dress Barn
  • Lane Bryant
  • Woman Within



Ask OSX Geeks: Windows under OS X? (Or, converting Type 1 fonts to TTF / OTF.)

Yeah, there was so much wrong with that sentence, but hey.

For typographical reasons (read: fonts), I have need to run Adobe Cloud under Windows on a Mac running Mountain Lion. (Well, I could run Adobe Cloud on an actual Windows box, but I don’t have one, hence the virtualization.)

The last Windows with which I am at all familiar is XP, which is … creaky, but will (I think) do what I need to do. What experiences have you all with running more modern Windows on a Mac? And via what mechanism? (I’m a fan of Parallels, but am willing to hear other options as well.)

Alternately, can anyone point at a reliable way to install Type 1 fonts on a Mac? 🙂

I know, I know, I don’t ask for much. But I have faith in my geeky friends.

Love, meri

Ask LazyWeb: Another InDesign question for you all.

Since you were all so incredibly helpful with the first InDesign question (no, seriously, you were), I thought I’d try again.

I may have need to convert a bunch of QuarkXPress files to InDesign. I know that InDesign itself can mostly handle import, but I want the best possible conversion, since it’s gonna be my job to make sure the InDesign output matches the XPress source exactly.

Have any of you ever played with any of the conversion tools? In particular, I’m thinking of Q2ID for CS6. But, if any of you have any better ideas (or cheaper ideas!), I’m all years.

Ask LazyWeb: InDesign Experts Edition: Complex hyperlinks and exporting to PDF.

Greetings, all!

I know that there might be one or two other InDesign experts out there reading this, and I figured that, instead of polling individually and perhaps missing other closet experts, I’d post here.
