PSA: A tribute to Evi Nemeth. (Washington, DC)

For those who didn’t receive this via email, there’s going to be a tribute to Evi Nemeth at this year’s USENIX Security Symposium in Washington, DC. Even those not registered for the conference are invited to attend the tribute.


For the crafty people. (One day sale.)

Joann is having a 1-day sale that consists of 4 items:

They’re also offering a coupon for 10% off your total purchase (regular- and sale-priced items, some exclusions apply) through Saturday. And finally, 4¢ flat-rate shipping, today only.


PSA: Get TiVo Desktop before it goes *poof*.

The good folks at Tivo are discontinuing the PC version of TiVo desktop, and you have until June 5th to download it. Unlike the Mac version, the PC version will actually let you transfer shows from your TiVo to your PC. (The equivalent can be achieved on the Mac using a couple of small apps, or via Toast Titanium, but not via anything made available for free by TiVo.)

Anyway, I thought some of you might want to know about this while the software is still readily available.

PSA: University of Chicago Press Free eBook of the Month

Every month, the University of Chicago press makes an eBook freely available to the intewebs for five days. This month, it is “You Were Never in Chicago” by Neil Steinberg. It is available for free until May 5th.

If you sign up on their web site, you will receive email notification on the first of each month, when they post a new book. I have never received any spam related to this service. I am in no way affiliated, blah blah blah. Haven’t even read this month’s book yet. 🙂

PSA: What’s up, Apple?

For those of you who didn’t know it existed (like me, until a day or two ago), Apple provides a status dashboard. It covers Services, Stores, and iCloud, broken out with a reasonable amount of detail.

This might help with those, “Is it just me, or is $FOO really just broken right now?” moments. (You have those, too, right? It’s not just me? Is there a dashboard for that? Oh dear.)

PSA: Stupid weather. (Possibly modifying trip plans.)

G and I are all set to drive up to scenic Worcester, MA, on Friday. However, it seems there’s a chance of a Nor’easter coming, just to screw with our plans. (Yes, it’s our fault. Sorry.)

So, the possibilities are:

  • The weather people change their minds, and all will be well on Friday, and plans proceed unchanged.
  • Drive at least part way up Thursday night, and (if necessary) continue the drive Friday morning. 
  • Scrub the mission entirely.

A lot of it depends on what the weather decides to do. Some of it depends on how G is feeling after working all day Thursday. (Between the knee and the fatigue, I am useless for long-haul driving.) As much as we’d hate to have to bail, we’d hate that a little bit less than being part of an n-car pileup on 95 somewhere.

We’ll keep you posted.

PSA: Inconceivable!

ThinkGeek is having a movie night at their Fairfax, VA, headquarters on Thursday, January 31st. The offer will be extended to 50 persons randomly chosen from the pool of people who have submitted their request by Monday, January 21st, at 6PM.

Oh yeah. They’ll be showing The Princess Bride. And feeding you pizza. And maybe giving away goodies.

PSA: Resolute communication. (A call for recipients.)

As many of you know, I went total hermit for a few years, pretty much falling off of the face of the planet. In this past year, I’ve made something of a comeback. I’ve actually made a couple of trips to visit friends, and have reappeared in the online world. These are good things.

But receiving a few Christmas cards this year made me remember just how much I love to get personal, physical mail. And I thought that there might be some of you out there who enjoy the same sort of thing. So, if you’d like to be added to my list of random snail mail recipients, please respond via private message with your name (it’s entirely possible that you’re using a pseudonym and I honestly either have never known or have completely forgotten your ‘real’ name) and favored mailing address.

I’m going to try to write a letter a week, which means I need more recipients soon, or a few family members and a couple of friends are going to get really sick of me really quickly. 🙂

PSA: Google Security Notifications

This should be of interest to many of you.

Google Security Notifications

Everyone who uses a Google account (Gmail, YouTube, Google Reader, Picasa, Blogspot, etc.) should probably enable this. Better safe than sorry,etc.

Via Google Operating System.

PSA: For those of you fleeing Instagram.

If you’re fleeing Instagram, but trying to figure out how the heck to get your photos out, and what to do with them once you’ve got them, you might want to check out freethephotos.

(Please note that I am in no way connected to this service. I’ve never used it. I have no idea about any security issues involved. I don’t even know if it works. I read about it on the one thing well blog (which is a great blog that software junkies should check out), and thought I’d pass it on.)