
Ask the [Kama’aina] Hive Mind: Help my friends plan a trip to Oahu.

[covert-ops] question mark (forest)TL; DR: Help me provide my friends who are traveling to Oahu on Friday a list of great things to do. Bonus points for kama’aina favorites. (more…)

Going on an adventure!

In a few minutes, the four of us (Jer, Shama, Shamamama, and I) will be leaving on a mini-adventure. We’re going to go to Northampton. My hosts are so kind, as the primary purpose of this visit is to allow me to visit WEBS. As you can imagine, I’m very excited!

There will also be food, candles, food, and other meanderings. And, once we get home, I suspect that we will be continuing our Buffy the Vampire Slayer marathon. (Shama’s never seen it, and we’re doing our best to get her hooked. We watched the first season yesterday.)

I hope you all are well. And remember, there’s still time to let me know if you’re going to join us for sushi in Sudbury on Saturday night!

Just to be clear…

I am not responsible for the weather in Massachusetts this week. I did not bring it with me from Seattle. I would not do such a thing to my dear friends here.

That is all.

Reports of my demise, etc, etc.

I’m not dead yet! (more…)

Ask the Hive Mind: priceline and/or hotwire thoughts?

20140917-rentalcarHave any of you ever used or or similar services to book travel (specifically, a rental car)? What was your experience like? Would you do it again? Would you only recommend it to your worst enemy?

I’m attempting to book a rental car for Boston in October, and prices have nearly doubled since the last time I looked about a month ago. The prices are to the point where the whole ‘getting a car thing’ isn’t really feasible, except for the small detail that not having a car isn’t really going to work.

Both priceline and hotwire show some decent-ish deals, from presumably reputable sources. I’m just wary, as I’ve never used either service.


Hurricane memories.

I told a friend that I had a Hurricane Iniki story that was too long to type in over the phone, and that I would type it in once I was at a real computer. As I find myself at a computer…

TL; DR: meri almost missed a hurricane by not coming out of her apartment. It’s not a very good story, but it amuses me, for some reason.


A whale of a good time.

My little point and shoot camera really wasn’t up to the task of taking photos on the wonderful whale-watching tour that Terri and I went on this past Wednesday. However, the wonderful guides at Western Prince Whale & Wildlife Tours got some great pictures, and were kind enough to share. So, I get to share with you!

If you happen to be in the area, I can’t recommend these folks more highly. They were professional, enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and a whole lot of fun.

Pacific Northwest Peoples: Incoming!

I know, I know. I’m far too predictable. Jenn and Jim move to Washington state, and here I am, hopping on a plane. What can I say? I’m a creature of habit. And if that means crossing the country to hang out with Jenn and Jim and their critters, then so be it.

I will be in the area from the evening of 11.25 (the Monday before Thanksgiving) to the evening of 12.04 (the Wednesday after Thanksgiving). Thanksgiving weekend itself is pretty full, but I suspect I will have a lot of free time to roam about the rest of my visit, as Jenn has that whole job thing to keep her busy.

I will be car-enabled. I will have a GPS. I will have gas money. I may even have yarn money. So, my questions are thus:

  • I have friends in Seattle, Vancouver (both WA and Canada), and Portland. Do any of you want to get together? (Ideally, with the Vancouver(s) or Portland, a place to crash overnight would be available, but not absolutely necessary.)
  • Keeping in mind my limitations, what are some things I absolutely must go see or do or places to eat?
  • (You knew this was coming.) What yarn stores must I visit?
  • Whatever else I’ve forgotten that you think I should know.

I’d love to see some folks, so long as everyone is ok with keeping it low-key. I’m going to have two straight weeks of people (Jer & Shama are arriving in the DC area the day I get back), and I’d like to see if I can manage it without collapsing for a week when it’s all over. 🙂 (And if you don’t want to see me, or times don’t work out, or you don’t live in the area any more, but still have some advice for what I should see / do, I’d love to hear from you, too!)

Ping me via whatever means is handy for you, and we’ll see if we can’t work something out.


Ask LazyWeb: Hershey, PA

Other than Hershey Park and the Hershey Museum, are there any must-do / must-see things in or around Hershey, PA that y’all would like to share with me? Please keep in mind that huge lines are not my friend (for physical reasons, not just impatience), and that I will only be there for about 48 hours (Sunday afternoon – Tuesday afternoon).

Of particular interest: spas that won’t break the bank, yarn & craft stores (duh), and vegetarian dining. However, anything that you think I need to know about, I’d love to hear.

Scotch & Indian V

Greetings from scenic Worcester, Massachusetts!
