
Sushi in Sudbury, Friday, 2013.03.22

Your humble meri is going to be the general Massachusettsy area for a few days, and would like to invite those in the same general area to come have sushi.

Many of  you have received a Facebook invitation, but I know there are folks out there who don’t do the whole Facebook thing, so also posting this on my blog and from there, onto LiveJournal. If you didn’t receive a Facebook invite, and you’d like one, let me know.

Please RSVP by Wednesday (3/20), so I can make a reservation.

Hope to see you there!

A question for the ages…

I’m going on a short trip soon. (For those who might be interested, I’m heading to Massachusetts for a week. Let me know if you want to meet up!) I will be driving (riding, really) up, staying a week, and flying back (checking a bag, because I am incapable of traveling light).

The question is: how many knitting projects do I need to take with me?

Not to wish anything bad upon my friends in New England…

… but, now that G and I have canceled our travel plans, and in turn caused other plans to be canceled, I damned well hope this doesn’t turn out to be a non-event, snow-wise. I was really looking forward to this trip!

PSA: Stupid weather. (Definite change in plans.)

In case anyone’s missed the memo, it looks like the French Toast Alert System is in full swing from New York State on upwards, starting tomorrow. You know, the day we were planning on driving through New York on upwards.

So yeah, not so much. G and I are opting to not take the risk, and are staying here in the DC area, where we’re supposed to get annoying wintery mix. This really sucks, because we had a lot of fun stuff planned for the trip, and there has been a great deal of back and forth on how we could possibly make it work. In the end, though, we’re opting for “better safe than sorry.”


PSA: Stupid weather. (Possibly modifying trip plans.)

G and I are all set to drive up to scenic Worcester, MA, on Friday. However, it seems there’s a chance of a Nor’easter coming, just to screw with our plans. (Yes, it’s our fault. Sorry.)

So, the possibilities are:

  • The weather people change their minds, and all will be well on Friday, and plans proceed unchanged.
  • Drive at least part way up Thursday night, and (if necessary) continue the drive Friday morning. 
  • Scrub the mission entirely.

A lot of it depends on what the weather decides to do. Some of it depends on how G is feeling after working all day Thursday. (Between the knee and the fatigue, I am useless for long-haul driving.) As much as we’d hate to have to bail, we’d hate that a little bit less than being part of an n-car pileup on 95 somewhere.

We’ll keep you posted.